To:      Executive

31 August 2021



Commissioning of home care FRAMEWORK: adults

Director of people

1          Purpose of Report

1.1 To seek Executive approval for the Strategic Procurement Plan (SPP) to tender for a Home Care framework to commence on 1st April 2022 for an initial 3 year term with the option to extend for an additional 3 years or portion thereof (3+1+1+1).


2          Recommendation(s)


Approval is sought from the Executive for the following recommendation:

2.1 Executive to approve the Strategic Procurement Plan for procuring a home care service through a flexible framework under the Light Touch Regime as detailed in the Strategic Procurement Plan.


 3         Reasons for Recommendation(S)

3.1 The Care Act 2014 places duties on local authorities to influence the Home Care market to ensure a sustainable, diverse, efficient and effective service that delivers better, innovative and cost-effective outcomes that promote the wellbeing of people who need care and support. For Bracknell Forest this is through the ‘Community Based Support’ framework (CBS) and a number of spot contracts. The CBS framework is due to end 31st March 2022.


3.2 Covid has added increased demand on the service where focus has been on home first and accelerated discharge strategies to alleviate pressures on the NHS. Analysis of the service also indicates a significant increase in demand for those suffering deficits in Memory and Cognition. This is supported by national trends in needs analysis and the increasing demands for dementia services. Support with Memory and Cognition is the most significant group after standard home care.


3.3 Analysis of alternative options has indicated that a flexible framework best meets the needs of the Council.


Procurement and Care Act Compliance

3.4 The procurement will ensure:

o   Compliance with the Council’s Contract Standing, in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.

o   The council meets its Statutory Duties of The Care Act 2014 which sets out clear expectations for local authorities, including:

§  ensuring that people in need of services have a wide range of choice and are supported and encouraged to make their own decisions about their care

§  ensuring sustainability of the market and sufficiency of provision

§  ensuring appropriate oversight of delivery and the accountability of providers


4          Alternative Options Considered

            4.1 As detailed in the Strategic Procurement Plan.


5          Supporting Information

5.1 An analysis of usage was completed in March 2021. The key findings are detailed in the SPP.


Service Demand

5.2 Demographically Bracknell has an increasing, ageing population with increasingly complex needs. Population data suggest a 3% increase in the 65+ population year on year with increasing associated needs such as deficits in Memory and Cognition. This is supported by national trends and the increasing demands for dementia services.


Home First - Hospital Discharges / Discharge to Assess Service

5.3 In addition to the increases in population and need, Hospital trusts and Community Health & Social Care partners are encouraged to adopt a ‘home first’ reablement model with the aim of reducing ‘delayed discharges’ and ‘failed discharges’. ‘Discharge to Assess’ services ensure an individual is medically optimised and discharged for further assessment and long-term planning. There is movement towards the requirement for such discharges to be picked up within 24 hours, 7 days a week, adding further pressure and increasing demand on home care services.


Market Feedback

5.4 The council has held two market engagement events with around 25 interested parties at each event. This has enabled a good dialogue to support the procurement approach and service provision.


User Engagement

5.5 Additionally, the council is engaging with service users and their families. In March 2021 the council undertook a service user questionnaire covering 14 key areas.


5.6 Commissioning continue to undertake further engagement with service users and families in order to develop the service specification and potentially be part of the evaluation team.


6          Consultation and Other Considerations


Legal Advice

6.1 Comments are detailed in the Strategic Procurement Plan


Financial Advice

6.2 Comments are detailed in the Strategic Procurement Plan


7          Consultation


            Principal Groups Consulted

            7.1 For the specification development, the project team consulted with operational adult social care teams, including Access to Resources, as well as service users and their families.


            Method of Consultation

7.2 Soft market testing undertaken in April and May sought initial views of service users and the market. The engagements were undertaken to more robustly reflect service users’ voice and capture the market’s views.


Responses Received

7.3 Consultation showed commitment and support for the project and an interest amongst the market.


Equalities Impact Assessment

7.4 An initial impact assessment screening has been completed. This identified that a Full Equality Impact assessment was not required.

Strategic Risk Management

7.5 The project identified some strategic risks that needed to be considered.

These risks are detailed in the Strategic Procurement Plan


Climate Change Implications

7.6 As this is reprovision of an existing service, analysis concludes that the recommendations contained within this report are expected to have no impact on emissions of greenhouse gases or the environment.



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